Serve with us!

Are you interested in volunteering on Sundays at Harbor Church San Diego?
Check out the teams and the role responsibilities below.


Set Up & Clean Up

This team helps set up the children's ministry rooms, the welcome table, the refreshment & communion tables, and more at EB Scripps.

After service, this team also helps with clean up duties.

  • Time commitment: Once every 6 weeks

  • Start time: 8:30 AM

  • End time: 12:00 PM

Email Daniel Corbin at for more information.


Welcome & Information Table

This team helps greet visitors, check in kids & infants into childcare, and assist with any questions that newcomers may have.

After service, this team also assists with sign-ups, questions about community groups (CGs), or any other questions about upcoming events.

Email Daniel Corbin at for more information.

  • Time commitment: Once every 6 weeks

  • Start time: 9:30 AM

  • End time: 11:45 AM


Harbor Kids & Youth

An incredible way to help shepherd the next generation of God’s people who love and follow Jesus, there opportunities to serve as Sunday school teachers, teacher aids, or in the nursery.

Contact Sandy Hutchinson at to get involved!


Audio & Visual

If you're comfortable at a tech booth or are willing to be trained in this behind-the-scenes ministry, we'd love for you to join our A/V team. This team helps set up our live stream, microphones, and audio for our worship team.

After service, this team also helps clean up all A/V equipment.

Email Kevin Waczek at for more information.

  • Start time: 8:30 AM

  • End time: 12:00 PM


Mercy Ministry

We partner and participate with Hope for San Diego and other organizations to represent the hands, feet and heart of Jesus to our neighbors throughout the city. Visit the Mercy Ministry page, or email our Diaconate team at for more information.


Serve with us!