We partner with


Harbor Church San Diego partners with Hope for San Diego to care for refugee families in San Diego County.



Good Neighbor Teams

Hope for San Diego’s desire is not only to serve refugees in the short-term as they arrive, but also to build long-term relationships that lead to their thriving in this country. You can be part of a team that welcomes and befriends refugees together, building friendships that transcend cultural boundaries. These teams will be formed primarily from members of our church partners.

For more information, contact our Diaconate at deacons@harborsdchurch.com.


Good Neighbor Team FAQs


+ What is a Good Neighbor Team?

A Good Neighbor Team (GNT) is a group of 5 to 10 people from a local church that partners with Hope for San Diego and World Relief SoCal to welcome and walk alongside one refugee family.

Teams work with Hope for San Diego and World Relief to support the refugee family’s initial resettlement or secondary migration.

Our goal is for each refugee that arrives in the San Diego area to feel the warm welcome of the local church and community.

Learn more about Good Neighbor Teams on the Hope for San Diego website.

+ What is the time commitment?

It is a 6-month commitment in which at least one member of the team visits the family at least once per week.

+ What are the main responsibilities?

Areas of support often include household furnishing collection, apartment set-up, airport welcome, education mentor, ESL practice, health advocate, and job coach. Mainly, it is assisting in assimilating the family supporting them as they navigate their new life here.

Receive the provided training and complete the appropriate application to join the team.



Want to get involved?

If you are interested and able to commit to being on a Good Neighbor Team, please contact our deacons for more information on the application and the training process prior to being placed with a new refugee family.